Tax and Accounting News

Corporate Transparency Act

On December 26, 2024, a panel of judges on the U.S. Court of Appeals Fifth Circuit court has temporarily reinstated the nationwide injunction that prevents the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) from enforcing the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) or its implementing federal regulations.  What this means is there is currently no filing requirement or penalties for not filing.  Companies may continue to voluntarily file their Beneficial Ownership Information reports online. Continue reading “Corporate Transparency Act”

New Login System

 What you need to know:

  • You’ll need to create a new username and password. To do this, you’ll need your current NetClient CS login ID and password. If you’ve saved these details to your browser, please memorialize them. If you’ve forgotten your login ID, please contact our office and ask for Johna Carr.
  • The sign-in page will look different but will function the same way. This video showcases the new experience. Please watch this video as it is very helpful.
  • You’ll need to enable two-factor authentication. There are several options available to verify your identity when you log in. One option is the Auth0 Guardian mobile app, which is free on the Apple App Store for iOS and Google Play Store for Android. Learn more about two-factor authentication.
  • We recommend using the option that will send a text message to your phone. This method may be more familiar and is commonly used for two-factor authentication.